The following is a list of supplies / prep you'll want to take/have/get for your family to be ready for an emergency involving communications. I recommend working on at least one of these a week if you're able to, and you'll be set in no time - remember to consult with the Lord, and never run faster than you are able to.
2. Emergency charging equipment - car charger or solar panels with attachments for your radios - accessible and known how to use? (+spares?)
3. Battery pack for charging - spare batteries for radio or portable power pack your wall chargers can plug into?
4. Antennas - spares?
5. Owners manual for radio, printed out and accessible?
6. List of frequencies for stake, repeaters, and EMS printed out? (See right side of blog).
7. Message traffic forms (stack of them - I have 20-50), printed out? (See right side of blog).
8. Binder for keeping organized plus notebooks with paper?
9. Writing utensils? (Plenty?)
10. 72 hour grab/go kits ready with meds, glasses, sleeping, water, clothes, misc?
11. Earphones for radio? (Can be nice for discretion or in a noisy environment).
12. Backpack to carry all this in easily accessible in one grab?
13. Anything else? (James 1:5; let me know!)
14. Keep going! But if ye are prepared, ye shall not fear.
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